Player webmaster posted a message on 02/11 16:56 on the MadLotto Forum: New CASH CUBE : At least one winner every hour!. Answer him on MadLotto and exchange with other players

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Subject :  New CASH CUBE : At least one winner every hour!
14 years ago

Hello πŸ™‹

Another new feature on Cash Cube!
From now on, at least one Cash, Cash Max or Labyrinth Bonus will necessarily be won every hour on the Wheel!
A counter will constantly indicate the maximum time remaining before the next winner!

This counter (which "veterans" know well!) replaces the Progressive Wire that was offered on the Wheel.
By the way, since the Wire in question had not yet been won, we will redistribute it as Cash Cube Coins to those who participated in the game. You will be kept informed via Customer Service.

Good games!
The Web'.

Date of message edition 14 years ago

14 years ago

No hard feelings and I was not offended at any time, I just wanted to say that I found you very curious and not fairly curious towards all the players!!!!

To "tell my life story", I should have added "about MadWin!" πŸ˜‰ Even if I have a lot of fun playing, my life is not just about that, fortunately!!!!!!

14 years ago

Good evening,

a quick question about the cashcube:
I bought credits and got the message that I could access this game, but when I click on one of the squares I get the message "you can't click in the cashcube.
Why I can't click, what should I do? πŸ™ Thank

you for your answers.


πŸ™‹ Before

you click on the cash cube, you have to start by turning the wheel. If you make a cash, max cash or maze, you will have the possibility to access your maze (or choose 10 or 20 euros for the cash) and roll the dice. When you arrive on Box 63, you will have earned, to date, 150 euros or, alternatively, a click in the cash cube.

Good luck to you and good games.


14 years ago

I still do not account to tell my life on the forum! Let's stop the subjective and stay in the constructive remarks!!!!
I also find you a little too focused on me. You fell on me for a poor unfortunate roll of dice not made, but on the other hand, elianeblon who wins 6 Prizes on the labyrinth in 5 minutes during the same Round of cash cube, that didn't make you talk!! !

I would only say one thing for myself and which I think should be true for everyone: nothing should be more important than the pleasure of Play ... when playing!

Hello Cricri,

Apparently, by my message, I offended you and I apologize.πŸ˜”

However, I was not asking you to tell your life story in any way (unless your life is all about MadWin and Cashcube, and if so, it's your choice that I completely respect).

The pleasure of Play must remain the pleasure of Play , but that does not prevent us from trying to understand the other players. And, also know that it is not because you do not see the nicknames of certain players in the account history of Rounds , that they do not play. I remind you (although you already know it) that only the nicknames of the Winners of a cash, cash max or labyrinth appear. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Here, here. 😎

Come on cricri, as 2loup1 says, without hard feelings. 🌹🌹🌹

14 years ago

Good evening,

a quick question about the cashcube:
I bought credits and got the message that I could access this game, but when I click on one of the squares I get the message "you can't click in the cashcube.
Why I can't click, what should I do? πŸ™ Thank

you for your answers.


14 years ago

Hello claudie 🌹 Maybe

his purchasing power has decreased πŸ˜€πŸ˜€ I persist and

sign that I am against this imposition to give us chips when Coins credits on the three-month game 😈 Free for us to

play them as a credit on another game πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ Good evening 🎀

Date of message edition 14 years ago

14 years ago

πŸ€•Hercule is back...... I think it's done, the next Rounds may be a duel between eliane, cricri and that famous hercule!

14 years ago

Hello cricri πŸ™‹ You are

the only big player who intervenes on the forum, therefore for me you are the only one who can bring us explanations, information etc.... I would like to thank you again 😎

Indeed, I noticed it for elianeblon, but I didn't find any message from him here and I think it's a shame 😑 He or she like all players had to encounter problems and it would be nice for the Madwin community to be able to read these reviews, his praises etc....

To conclude, I leave you the next winnings because instead of moving forward, I move back on the game of the goose 😈 No

hard feelings 😎 Good end

of the day to all 🎀

14 years ago

I don't account tell my life on the forum!!!!! Let's stop the subjective and stay in the constructive remarks!!!!!!!
I think you're a little too focused on me. You came across me for a poor poor poor dice thrower who didn't make it, but on the other hand, elianeblon who wins 6 Prizes on the maze in 5 minutes during the same Round cash cube, that didn't make you talk!!!!

I would say only one thing for me and that I think should be true for everyone: nothing should be more important than the pleasure of Play... when you play!

14 years ago

Hello, hello,

I take advantage of the dream's bawl (no free rounds, maybe an update not yet done????) to answer you cricri.

I agree with you, it's not nice that the remaining dice rolls are lost when you reach Box 63. It doesn't make you want to play again since you're starting all over again. But if the next Round starts again right away (thanks to your remaining dice rolls) and well, it makes you want to Next and fall back on the Prizes boxes and 63. I don't understand why the change is not made. Web', if you can answer us please. πŸ™y): Cricri

, I'm asking myself a question: what's your interest in Next play Play you've won almost all the prizes?
I'm asking you this because, me, the iPad made me dream but I never thought I would win it (besides, if I won it it's Round thanks to you since you had won almost all the prizes that remained. So thank you beaucoup🌹). Since I won it, I've been tempted by nothing in the Prizes list (I also won the plancha and the flash drive, I'm not talking about books and DVDs......) so I don't really want to Play anymore... The only thing I would like, like everyone else, is to finish the labyrinth. Ah, there's the computer but I already have a PC, a netbook and the iPad so it's fine.

I think the Dream won't change its Prizes list before the end of the game, it's a shame (I'm talking about small Prizes, I would have liked a gripper machine like in baraka) πŸ˜” So,

if you can satisfy my curiosity, it would be cool. Ah, maybe you try the 3000 euros???

That's right, I don't see that far for myself. I look forward to reading your answer, if you agree to answer me of course. By the way, Fred, if you want to express yourself too, it will be a pleasure. I would have liked to add elianeblon but............ You must think I'm bold, but it's just to understand your reactions and ways of Play. ItHelp me to "grow up" and see that there is more than one way to Play or have fun.
Of course 2loup1, claudie, nefertititi,lalili, the discussion is ouverte😎 Cricri

thanks for your gesture 🌹, I will post on the subject "eden" otherwise 2loup1 will go to me disputerπŸ˜‰ πŸ™‹

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