Player webmaster posted a message on 19/02 11:46 on the MadLotto Forum: NEW: The Masters of the Game!. Answer him on MadLotto and exchange with other players - Page 4

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Subject :  NEW: The Masters of the Game!
22/02/2011 17:18:58

Hello! πŸ™‹ Wolf,

happy to read you. A smashing comeback from what I see! πŸ˜‚
Hoping to read you more... The forum is a little empty otherwise.

See you soon!

22/02/2011 17:05:46

πŸ™‹πŸ™‹ Glad to read

you my friends πŸ™y):πŸ™y): Good web, I

totally agree with wolf and fred and, it's not just solidarity πŸ˜‚ Wolf, fred, I made my

first attempt at the game of the month and, once again it was a total fiasco. 450 Coins and a handful of points, no, I don't think it's a game for me πŸ™n):πŸ™n):

Paradoxically, I'm glad I didn't go any further because there's nothing more to encourage me to Play it 😎

However, web, would it be possible to have information that we've been waiting for a while now, such as the number of entries we have, the date of the draw and where can we find the names of the winnersWinners thank you in advance 😎 wolf, come

back more often on the forum, your posts make me πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ 🌹


22/02/2011 16:35:27

Hello web πŸ™‹

Freedom of opinion is recognized by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948.
"Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression, which implies the right not to be disturbed for his opinions and the right to seek, receive and impart, regardless of frontiers, information and ideas by any Mode of expression." (section 19).

You're lecturing me so I suggest you also lecturing our dear politicians 😎 The list is long πŸ˜‚

Nothing prevents you from deleting my message πŸ‘ it won't be the first time 😎 Nothing also prevents you from removing me from the forum as well as from the wall and at the same time why not remove me as a MadWin player ( after sending me my last batches)!

To conclude, the cards are in your hands, so do whatever you want 😎

Good late afternoon from a loyal player and supposedly having your sympathy 🎀

22/02/2011 16:21:35

No, I'm not overdoing it, I'm repeating it very firmly. Doubts have the right to be expressed, but certainly not in this way. It is out of the question to let yourself go and accept coarse language. Whatever your opinion, the least you can do is to express yourself politely. This is the rule of this forum.

As far as I am concerned, this discussion is over.

The Web'.

22/02/2011 14:54:24

Hello πŸ™‹ I

remind you that this forum is a space of freedom which does not allow for rudeness, insults or defamation.
There is a huge difference between expressing an opinion and being aggressive, if not insulting.

I say this publicly, amicably although very angry, and leaving the above message published, because it would be too easy for its author 2loup1 (otherwise faithful and having our sympathy), if I delete his message, to shout censorship, when the terms used are not acceptable. But this warning will be the first and last. Those who are unable to express an opinion using acceptable and courteous terms should not be surprised to be sanctioned by a suspension of their access to the chat rooms of our sites.

The Web

Date of message edition 22/02/2011 14:56:39

22/02/2011 12:04:05

I understand the advantage for the master but the fact of being a guard is not useful for the guard himself! Let me get this straight. In short, this game would have convinced me if the wheel had been removed and especially if this rule you detailed was not in force. My credit card will not heat
up until the end of May or maybe until the end of August if it is extended as usual! ! ;-)

Date of message edition 22/02/2011 12:06:10

22/02/2011 10:37:13

The customer service did not answer me when my banco disciples did not receive an answer. If the game is still rich in bugs, and since it's still here for another 3 months, why not put it on standby and fix it all!
Thank you fred for your indication, I thought that with a weak element and despite a big prize in its elemental we could Confirm the
"Validatable" prizes!
Web, fred or jpm, can one of you explain to me the interest of the master's guards?

22/02/2011 08:02:12

hello fred!

me too my 5 euros check (disciples earnings) disappeared............

answer from customer service: there was a bug so deleted.

I do not understand, what bug ! there are also clicks in the temple that I did not win while I was a member of the board.....

21/02/2011 23:14:35

HelloπŸ™‹ it is

the Lord of the Cube, who will win bonus winnings on clicks made by other players.

The Web'.

21/02/2011 18:53:24

What would have been nice to see the difficulty to leave with a prize would have been to remove the wheel and directly convert the purchases credits into clicks in the temple.
This way everyone could Play and not only after a selection phase determined by the wheel.

I keep my question which remains unanswered: on which bonus did the 3000 euro check for the cash cube go?

What if the gaming pros could tell me what the benefits of being a temple master are? And what's the point of a temple guard and what's in it for us?
That I didn't understand.

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