Player bandy4 posted a message on 07/07 13:49 on the MadLotto Forum: A big thank you. Answer him on MadLotto and exchange with other players

Last lottery draw  3 6 14 17 30 48  : Winners : 784 

Subject :  A big thank you
07/07/2017 13:49:39

This is the 5th prize ( an excellent book) that I win on MadLotto and I warmly thank this site for the seriousness of the gains that we can win unlike other game sites where we never see the color of anything....
Many thanks again to the administrators of MadLotto.Play, Play, play, play again and like me, you may have a chance to win great Prizes;

01/10/2017 18:19:08

thanks for the 20000 points won on CadoVillage for the Julian game riddle

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