Player sguillet posted a message on 18/10 11:05 on the MadLotto Forum: Madnetix Dissolution. Answer him on MadLotto and exchange with other players

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Subject :  Madnetix Dissolution
19/10/2007 01:53:02

Here is an answer that will reassure all worried webmaster players, for my part I was not, not being aware of it! 😀 🙋

18/10/2007 11:12:15

Hello 🙋 there

is no reason to block this message and besides I reassure you completely: Madnetix has been absorbed by its "big brother" DreamCenturyDreamCentury whose logo you can see on all our games for a few years now! The dissolution of Madnetix is only an administrative procedure that obviously has no consequences on our sites!

Good games!

The web'.

18/10/2007 11:05:00

According to the Paris Commercial Register. On 4.10.2007, Madnetix, which manages MadWin, was dissolved. I would therefore ask MadWin for more explanations about the conservation of the site and the accumulated Madpoint. And if this site is going to last for some time. Thank you to MadWin for posting this article and not blocking it.

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