Player Brasil1979 posted a message on 04/08 18:54 on the MadLotto Forum: the shop. Answer him on MadLotto and exchange with other players

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Subject :  the shop
04/08/2007 18:54:12

Hello everyone,

I came to the news to know when MadWin will put cados in store for vip, because we have a vip access but it's been a long time since I saw beautiful prize, or new cado....

When will the ps in the shop, or a laptop (Computer)

The shop for all members is more attractive than the one for vip...

Because for the shop it is not necessary to be a vip...

I play a lot in MadWin but I think he will be able to fill it up a little more...


Why can't cado vip (from a certain level)like diamond) be cheaper or less expensive?

like 10% cheaper or a little more (mdr)

Thank you in advance for your answer

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