Player beloteman posted a message on 24/10 18:33 on the MadLotto Forum: Hello, just some information.. Answer him on MadLotto and exchange with other players

Last lottery draw  4 12 17 31 35 41  : Winners : 758 

Subject :  Hello, just some information.
26/10/2007 10:14:53

when you click on your earnings tracking you will see if you can make an exchange, good jeux🙋

26/10/2007 01:57:40

Hello beloteman 🙋 First of
all for the exchange of Prizes Madpoints you must already be a VIP status (is that the case?) Anyway in the "account sectionaccount will be offered automatically according to your status... As for the exchange itself it is rather 50% of the value of the prize It is up to you to make the choice 😂 Good luck 😉

25/10/2007 21:12:59

hello ... you need to be a Silver vip to be able to exchange your Prizes for points and it seems to me that the exchange is not done at the value of the window it is less...

MadWin don't Play it... it drives you crazy!

24/10/2007 18:33:33

hello I would like to know how to exchange Prizes for madpoints and if the exchange this fact has the value of the prize in the window here is thank you in advance for your answers hoping that you have understood me: D
vive MadWin which is the best site of its kind thanks to all and good game

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