Player princess08 posted a message on 02/02 05:39 on the MadLotto Forum: Question. Answer him on MadLotto and exchange with other players

Last lottery draw  4 12 17 31 35 41  : Winners : 758 

Subject :  Question
06/02/2008 20:29:09

ilanto to written: karina59100
to written: Hello for
that you go on the loyalty card and there you can gather the 3 cad madwin cadovillage CadoVillage QuoVerbis that it is the same address and same name as
the loyalty card? how do you get it?
thank you for answering
it is displayed when you go to see your account and it fills up every time you buy credits that make you win Prizes as it is
won the
Prizes are bigger here is I hope to have answered your question kiss

05/02/2008 18:03:42

karina59100 wrote: Hello for
that you go on the loyalty card and there you can gather the 3 cad madwin cadwin cadovillage CadoVillage QuoVerbis that it
is the same address and name that is
the loyalty card? how do we get it? thank you for
answering me

05/02/2008 06:40:32

Hello for that you go on the fidelity card and there you can gather the 3 cad MadWin CadoVillage and QuoVerbis provided that it is the same address and same name

02/02/2008 05:39:37

kikoo S ke klk1 pe me dir cmt se rataché a cadovillag??merci pour votre rep

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